Farm Production


We can confidently say we have quality rice! We can guarantee our rice is of outstanding quality and maintains its integrity through our integrated farming practices.

Here at Black Fox we don’t just say it, we live it! From sun up to sun down we have our hands in the soil, ensuring all aspects of the rice production cycle are closely monitored. We start with our fall cover crops, then move to our precision seeding and fertility programs and finish up with harvest, where our high tech combines gently separate the plump kernels from the head, all while monitoring the moisture content prior to the rice entering the grain tank.


At Black Fox we are committed in producing healthy and superior rice that our consumers will enjoy. We can guarantee that only the finest Koshihikari rice will make it from our fields to your dinner plate.


To learn more about our farm production and the environmental practices that we partake in, to promote and protect the local and migrating wildlife, view our parent web page.